Volunteer Guidelines and Disclosure Form
Your role as a volunteer/chaperone/university observer is an important one, and while enjoyable, requires that you accept certain responsibilities. These Guidelines provide you with an overview of your responsibilities and recommendations for appropriate responses to various situations that may arise. Should you require any additional information, or have any other questions or concerns; you are invited to meet with the classroom teacher or principal.
- Please sign in each time you come to school. Sign in sheets are provided at each school. School personnel must know who is in the building. If school policy, please pick up and wear a name tag. Introduce yourself and, if possible, know student names.
- As a volunteer/chaperone/university observer, you must follow and implement Bozeman Public Schools’ policies and procedures as stated in Board Policy (http://www.bsd7.org/district_policies/) the building Student Handbook, and the District’s student behavior expectations.
- If you are not comfortable with a particular task, please ask for additional instructions.
- Do not discuss the performance or actions of students except with the student's teacher, counselor, or principal. Please consider things heard or seen at school as confidential.
- Please refer any student problems to a regular staff member.
- Use common sense in your dress. Please be neat and follow the school’s dress expectations. Keep in mind that you are a model for the students.
- Remember that student safety always comes first. Understand the school safety plan.
- Supervise the students in a firm but courteous manner. All discipline issues are the responsibility of the teacher.
- Do not bring along siblings or other children on field trips without prior approval from the teacher.
- Do not touch students, lose control, display anger, promote specific religious or political viewpoints/practices with students, or have other inappropriate discussions with students.
- Do not release students to anyone other than the teacher.
- Do not drive other students unless this has been prearranged and the necessary District insurance forms have been completed and approved.
- Out of respect for student and staff allergies and sensitivity to the school setting, please refrain from heavy perfume or cigarette odors. Since being under the influence of drugs or alcohol are expressly prohibited, it is necessary that volunteers refrain from any alcohol, cigarette, or other drug odors.
- Do not administer any medications (including cough drops, homeopathic, etc.) or food items to a student. All medical situations and injuries must be referred to the teacher.
- Praise and encourage students, help to build a caring and supportive rapport with students, and act as an exemplary role model for students.
- Please call the teacher in advance if you will be absent from an expected activity.
- Under no circumstances may a volunteer be under the influence of, in possession of or consume alcohol, drugs or tobacco while serving as a volunteer/chaperone/university observer.
- As a volunteer/chaperone/university observer at Bozeman School District #7 I understand that I will/may be providing supervision to minor children and that the safety of the children is my first priority. I certify that I have never been convicted of any the crimes involving children or any felony drug or alcohol offenses. I certify that I am not now, nor have I ever been listed in the National Registry of sex offenders or violent offenders. I understand that if I have a criminal record I will not be permitted to work in any capacity with students, and will volunteer with staff members solely at the discretion of the District.
Additional Confidentiality Information: Students in Bozeman School District #7 have the right to expect that information about them will be kept confidential by all volunteers, student interns, practicum students and student job shadow observers. Additionally, the U.S. Congress has addressed the privacy-related concerns of educators, parents, and students by enacting the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known more commonly as “FERPA” or the “Buckley Amendment”). Among other provisions, FERPA allows the government to withdraw federal funds from any educational institution, including Bozeman School District #7, which disseminates a student’s education records without his or her parent’s consent. Each student with whom you work has the right to expect that nothing that happens to or about him or her will be repeated to anyone other than authorized school department employees, as designated by the administrators at your school. Even when discussing a student with those who are directly involved in a student’s education, such as a teacher, principal, or guidance counselor, you may not share otherwise confidential information with them unless it is relevant to the student’s educational growth, safety, or well being.
You may not share information about a student even with others who are genuinely interested in the student’s welfare, such as social workers, scout leaders, clergy, or nurses/physicians (a grave medical emergency, in which confidential information may be necessary for a student’s care, is the only exception). Thus, you must refer all such questions to the school employees so authorized and indicated to you, typically the student’s teacher or principal.
You may not share photos or information via social media.
Parents, friends, or community members may, in good faith, ask you questions about a student’s problems or progress. Again, you must refer all such questions to the authorized school employees. You may not share information about a student even with members of your own family or the student’s family.
Before you speak, always remember that violating a student’s confidentiality isn’t just impolite, it’s against the law!
By clicking the Google Form link below and submitting my personal data electronically I am acknowledging that I have read, understand, and agree to comply with the volunteer/chaperone/university observer guidelines.
Google Form
bsd7 volunteer guidelines and disclosure google form