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School Based Mental Health

"Bozeman Public Schools exist to provide an outstanding education that inspires and ensures high achievement so every student can succeed and make a difference in a rapidly changing world community." - Core Purpose of the Bozeman Public School District

Welcome to the Bozeman Public Schools resource page for school based mental health services and supports.  BSD7 uses the framework of a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) to implement individualized social, emotional, and behavioral supports for all students.  These supports are delivered through a combination of preventative "Tier 1" instruction provided to all students, targeted "Tier 2" support for those students who need additional instruction and services, and highly individualized "Tier 3" supports for those students with significant needs.  The goal of an MTSS structure is to provide the right intensity of support, for the right students, at the right time.  MTSS structures are implemented through school-based Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Student Assistance Teams (SATs).  
Chad Berg
Director of Special Education and Student Health

Contact Us

Chad Berg
Director of Special Education and Student Health
(406) 522-6075 (Office)
(406) 600-6052 (Cell)
Johanna Bertken
Student Assistance Coordinator
406-522-6022 (office)